Best Home Remedies for hair loss
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Best home Remedies for hair fall. How to stop hair fall naturally


Hair Loss Treatment
Hair fall is very common problems among men and women , affecting almost one-third of the population. If someone lose a few of hair every day, It is a natural process. So there’s is no need to worry over a few hair fall off. There are many reasons of hair loss which include poor diet, mineral deficiency, side effects of medications , over stress, pollution, hormonal imbalance, improper sleep, thyroid, overuse of dyes and hereditary. Sometimes regular wearing a cap, helmet could also be another reason in men.

Hair are the most prominent value of an individual’s personality and style. Excessive hair loss causes worry and affects self-esteem of the individual, especially for women. However, if diagnosed right before the excessive hair loss, you can control hair fall with certain home remedies which are very natural and effective in preventing and recovering from hair loss.

Do Not Stress Over Temporary Hair Fall



 Most of the times hereditary is the main cause of hair falls in men. In case of hereditary, hair falling leads to baldness and it starts in young age. It starts from hair thinning to bald spot and then become major baldness or complete or partially hair fall.
If baldness starts in women, it may be reason of overuse of chemicals (in hair dyes) and medications. Most of the times women do not fall in the trap of baldness like men, but hair falling is a common condition in women. 

Hormonal Imbalance causes hair loss

Women experience hormonal imbalance after a certain age, especially after 30, which can cause hair loss.

Thyroid issues

Hair growth cycle may effect if thyroid issues occur. If you experience any thyroid issue, there may be other symptoms too along with hair loss such as suddenly weight gain or weight loss, increased sensitivity to cold or heat, and heart rate changes.


Stress play a major role in sudden hair loss. Extreme stress starts excessive hair loss and it could last for several months. Do physical exercises to reduce stress levels, Meditation and yoga are very effective in hair fall due to stress.

Medications may cause hair loss

If you consume too much Vitamin A, can cause hair loss. Medication used in cancer especially during radiation treatment and chemotherapy, overuse of pain killers in arthritis, high bp may result in hair fall. Baldness or patchy spots caused by medications, can be treated easily.

Ageing causes hair fall

Hair growth slows down as we age. Hair starts thinner and graying because of ageing process, So, keep watch on your diet according to your age to stop hair falling.

However, you should not be get worried about the hair falls if not hereditary. Sudden hair fall or temporary baldness can be treated at home too if you don’t want to see the dermatologist or any hair expert.
There are many Home Remedies for hair loss. By using these home remedies you can control hair fall easily and without any side effects.

Best Home Remedies to treat hair loss

Indian Jujube (ber ) Leaves

Using Indian Jujube Leaves (Ber tree leaves) is the best Home Remedy for hair loss. It can treat any type of hair fall. It also strengthen hair roots, give great shine and dandruff free hairs.
Get 100 grams of baby leaves from Jujube tree. Grind it and make a paste. Apply this paste on the scalp and massage it gently with your fingers. Apply the paste properly to cover the scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash the hairs properly with shampoo.
Hair falls will reduced to half with the first use only. Repeat twice a week if you have heavy hair loss. Otherwise using once a week will treat the hair fall problem permanently.

Aloe Vera for hair loss

 Aloe Vera is a very good home remedy to treat hair fall and use of Aloe Vera also help in hair growth. It helps in balancing the pH levels of hair and the scalp.
Wash your hairs properly, don’t apply any oil. Get the pulp of Aloe Vera leaves and massage into your hair roots in circular motion. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes, and then wash with water. Repeating this thrice a weak will stop hair loss.

3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) for hair loss

Vitamin C deficiency is the probable reason of hair loss.
Amla is full of Vitamin C, it provides strength to the hair follicles, and using of Amla prevents hair fall. Use of Amla is one of the best natural hair loss treatments, It also prevents premature hair graying.
a) Take 2 medium dried Amla, boil it into coconut or mustered oil until oil becomes black. Keep it to cool down. Apply this oil into hair roots and massage gently with your fingers.
Leave it for 15- 20 minutes and then wash your hairs with shampoo. Repeating this twice a week will give very good results.
2. Make a paste of one spoon of Amla powder and two spoons of Lime juice and apply it on your scalp/ hair roots. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and the wash your hairs.

Green Tea

Green tea boost hair growth and prevent hair fall.
Boil two green tea bags in the one glass of water and keep it to get cool down. Rinse your hair with this green tea water, massage your scalp gently. Always use green tea water after-shampoo and conditioning your hairs. Repeat it 3 times a week.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is full of proteins and essential fats/ minerals which promote hair growth. Use it if you are getting hair loss.
Grate a medium sized coconut. Squeeze it to get the milk, Add a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds powder. Make a good paste. Apply it into your hair roots properly. Cover your hairs with a towel for at least 20 minutes. Then wash your hair by applying good quality shampoo. Repeat this twice a week.

Onion Juice

Onions contains Sulphur, Vitamins E, C and B complex contents. Which help in treating many hair problems including falling of hairs.
Onion have great healing properties, It improve blood circulation to the hair follicles and also help in treating scalp infections. Massaging onion juice into your hair roots not only improve hair growth, it also make hairs shiny.
Grind a medium sized onion, and get its juice. Apply all over the scalp with a cotton ball gently. Leave it for at least 20 minutes. Use it twice a week and see the results. It is very effective in Women pattern baldness.

Fenugreek Seeds (Methi) for hair loss

Fenugreek is one of the Best natural home remedies for hair fall. It helps hair growth. Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in half glass of water. Keep it overnight. Take the seeds from the water. Grind the seeds and make a fine paste.
Apply the paste into the hair roots with your fingers. Cover the hairs with a towel or shower cap. . Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash hairs with cold water. Repeat this once a week to get good results.
Fenugreek seeds are a good source of protein and nicotinic acid which help in hair re-growth and also prevent hair breakage.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes hair fall is a result of pollution. Hair follicles get blocked by dirt, oil used and pollution which prevent essential nutrients to reach the hairs. Which leads to hair fall. Use of Apple cider vinegar cleans your follicles and helps in maintaining the natural moisture of scalp.
Take a half glass of Apple cider vinegar, add it in a bowl of luke warm water. Rinse your hairs with it . Massage your scalp gently. Keep it for 10 minutes, then wash properly.
Repeat it twice a week if your are highly open to pollution, otherwise using it one a month is good to keep your scalp cleaner.

Curd for hair growth

Curd is a natural hair conditioner. Curd is rich in proteins and Vitamin B5 which are highly required for the hair growth. Use of curd once a week is very beneficial for hair strengthening and shine.
Take a half cup of curd, Add one spoon of honey( Honey has antibacterial properties which prevent hair damage and breakage) and one spoon of lemon juice. Mix it properly. This is the best Hair pack. Apply this mixture on your scalp, massage gently with your fingers. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, Wash the hairs with cold water. Repeat once a week to get longer and brighter hairs.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil help in treating scalp infections and also strengthen the hairs as it contains antimicrobial and antioxidants properties.
Take coconut oil in a steel bowl, warm slightly and massage gently your scalp in circular motions. Wash it after 10-15 minutes. You can use coconut oil daily and can apply after wash also.

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves used as medicine because it has excellent antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very useful in case of dandruff and scalp infections.
It makes hair follicles stronger and promotes hair growth.
Take 20-30 neem leaves in 2 glasses of water. And boil it till the water reduces to half or to 1 glass. Let it get cool, apply it to your scalp. Leave for 30 minutes and wash the hairs with water. Repeat this twice and week if you have dandruff problem.

Vitamin for hair loss

Vitamins are very much required for the overall heath of hairs. Deficiency of Vitamins and essential nutrients always leads to hair fall. So, take Vitamins rich foods. Keep yourself out of stress and other mental burdens. Eating lean meats, fish, soy, green vegetables rich in protein and exercise regularly will promotes hair health and in turn helps prevent hair loss.

Disclaimer: Above mentioned remedies for hair loss, help in starting conditions and are very much used in Indian homes. If you have complete baldness, it will not help in getting your hairs back. Consult your dermatologist in case of complete baldness due to hereditary and overuse of medications.



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