Best Weight Loss Foods
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Best 30 Weight Loss Foods


If you want flat stomach or lose weight without spending much time in gym or hard and tiring exercises, eat healthy and low calorie diets. Try include some of the foods listed below, they also help you boost your metabolism, keep you fuller for longer time and will relieve water retention in your body.

1. Add Leafy Greens in your diet
Include spinach, kale and lettuce in at least one of your everyday meal. This is the fastest way to flatten your stomach. Leafy greens are full of fiber and having several important vitamins and minerals, which ease water retention without causing any discomfort in your stomach.

2. Peppermint Leaves
If you aim to slim down your stomach, add peppermint to your diet as it heal and calm digestive system. Add peppermint leaves in your tea, butter milk, curd, or sprinkle on salads. It is also great for your skin.

3. Oats Meal
Have your breakfast with Oats. Rich in fiber, will help you feel fuller for long, boost metabolism and burn fats. Best to loose fat around your belly.

4. Eat Avocados to lose belly fat
Eat avocado daily and see the results, belly fat will melt away within days. Packed with fiber and proteins, avocado are high in monosaturated fats which help lose belly fat.

5. Eat Blueberries
Beside their anti- aging effects, blueberries are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed to lose belly fat.

6. Drink Wine
Moderate drinking of Red wine or other wine stops fat storage around belly because of Resveratrol, oxidants found in grapes. A glass of red wine boost calorie burns.

7. Eat Grapes
Eating grape fruit before meal help you lose few pounds. Eating grapes lower insulin ( fat storage hormone) which leads to weight loss. Grapes are good source of protein. Because of its water contents, eating grapes before meal will fill you up and you eat less.

8. Almonds
Almonds contain healthy fats that help you lose weight. To lose more weight, add few of almonds in your daily diet, don’t eat like heavy snacks.

9. Drink Green tea
Green tea is a sure way to burn fats and shed pounds. The antioxidants found in green tea help fat burn. 4 -5 cup of tea a day will lose the weight around your middle. Drinking green tea though out the day will speed up your metabolism and also hydrate your body to keep you in good shape.

11. Eat Tomatoes
Tomatoes are super fat fighting foods, full of antioxidants. They reduce water retention and inflammation in the body and also regulate metabolic rate and appetite because of the Leptin, which sheds extra pounds.

12. Add Garlic
It don’t smell good, but each clove of garlic is powered with antioxidants, which remove toxins. And the chemicals found in garlic kills many bacteria and viruses in the digestive tract. Add a few buds of cloves in your daily meal to get the most of its benefits including a flatter belly.

13. Add Lentils
Lentils are packed with protein and fiber. Because of resistant starch, a healthy carb, Lentils boosts metabolism and burns fat faster. Add Lentils to your diet in rotations.

14. Eat Dark chocolate
Eating chocolate make you feel full for long so you eat less in your next meal. Dark chocolates are full of healthy fats which help boost your metabolism to burn fat and calories.

15. White beans
White beans are fiber packed which contains fat burning resistant starch, a type of metabolism boosting carb.

16. Cheese
Cheese contain fatty acid that make you feel full for longer and burn fat.

17. Plantains
Cooked plantains packed with resistant starch, a healthy carb which burns fat faster and boosts metabolism.

18. Hot peppers
Capsaicin, a compound found in hot peppers, responsible to heat up you insides, and your body burns extra calories. Eat raw or cooked, or in powdered form.

19. Green Chili
Add Chili in your food to boost your metabolism, which help burn fats faster. Chili supply beta carotene, which is also good for healthy skin and also multiply vitamin C, an essential antioxidant which help battle toxins.

20. Water Melon
Melon contains potassium, more than bananas. Melons are low calorie, high antioxidant alternatives that remove excessive fat from the body. Melons also support your immune system and keep your skin glowing.

21. Cinnamon powder
Adding just a small amount of cinnamon in your daily meal will help regulate blood sugar levels and boost metabolism which help burn existing fat storage. Sprinkle cinnamon powder in your tea or coffee also.

22. Eat Pumpkins
Pumkin is a super healthy food and also a great for weight loss. It is low in calories and full of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

23. Coriander Leaves/ Seeds
Coriander is is natural water retention reducing herb which improve digestion. Add coriander leaves of seeds in your food to get rid of waste from your body which is must for weight loss.

24. Leeks
To get rid of excessive weight around your belly caused by water retention, add leaks in your diet. Leeks are high in Vitamin C and potassium.

25. Drink Lemons
Lemons are best detoxifier, and a great way to relieve water retention and help you get a flatter stomach.

26. Eat Papaya
Papain, contains in Papaya aids the digestion of protein. It ease bloating and help flatter belly fast.

27. Peanuts
Eat a handful of peanuts between the meals, will stop you from overeating. And give you the essential protein which help flat stomach. Peanuts are rich in fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids.

28. Salmon Fish
Salmon, a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, help reduce inflammation in the body and boost metabolism, which make it a good belly flattening meal ever.

29. Natural Yoghurt
Eating fresh yoghurt, help relieving bloating and discomfort in the stomach. It contains digestion aiding bacteria. Better digestion system surely help weight loss.

30. Add Ginger
Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and anti oxidant properties. Enzyme contain in ginger help in proteins digestion.

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