Health Benefits of Ajwain
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Health Benefits of Ajwain (Carom Seeds)


Carom Seeds (Ajwain) is commonly used in Indian kitchen. The Carom seeds Or Ajwain plant is very much beneficial for health and medicinal purpose. Ajwain seeds have many health benefits apart from aiding digestion problem. A few of the health benefits of Ajwain are listed below:

1. Take one teaspoon of carom seeds, Add a pinch of salt, Take it with warm water after meal. This is the best natural remedy for indigestion problems, and acidity.
2. Carom seeds are very helpful to cure stones in kidney. They are also useful in kidney disorder pains.
3. To get relief from the arthritis pain, Massage the affected joints regularly with Carom seeds oil.
4. Carom seeds or Ajwain is the best home remedy to lose weight. Consume 1 teaspoon of Ajwain on an empty stomach every morning. For sure, you will lose few kgs.

5. Ajwain also act as body cleanser, Drink carom seeds tea to remove body toxins. That’s why carom seeds help reduce many skin and health problems. Consumption of Ajwain purify the blood and also improve blood flow in the body.
6. Ajwain is the best home remedy for stomach pain. It gives instant pain relief in the stomach. Take 1 teaspoon of Ajwain, Add a pinch of Salt, chew and sip warm water with it.
7. Regular consumption of Ajwain also help to regulate Obesity problem.
8. If you have the problems of flatulence, indigestion and stomach gas , take 1 teaspoon of carom seeds with water for one week, it will surely help.
9. As Ajwain contains the highest percentage of Thymol, it is used as antiseptic and cough and asthma treatments.
10. Craving of alcoholic beverages can be reduced by eating Ajwain twice a day.
11. If you have toothache, gargle with ajwain water.
12. Carom seeds help in removing of kidney stone. Take carom seeds with honey or vinegar for 2 weeks. Stone will be dissolved.
13. Ajwain used in cooking as a herb. Add a teaspoon or half in your cooking regularly to get the best of its health benefits.

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