Health Benefits of Coconut Water
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Health benefits of Coconut Water, Best Post-Workout drink


Health benefits of coconut water
Coconut water is Nature’s Sports drink loaded with electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. It is easily available natural flavored liquid inside the green coconuts. Coconut water is packed with antioxidants which help reduce free radical activity in the body.

Coconut Water Health Benefits

Best Post-Workout drink

Coconut water is a great drink for your post workout session. Coconut water is loaded with several electrolytes including potassium, sodium, and magnesium. If you're having an intense workout, and you swet a lot, drinking coconut water help restore hydration and replenish electrolytes lost during exercise and also help in proper muscle function.

Best for Heart health

Drinking coconut water help reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, thus help in lowering the risk of heart diseases. It also increase the amount of good cholesterol and decreases the amount of bad cholesterol, as well as improve systolic blood pressure.
Coconut water prevent the formation of blood clots. And It helps reduce the formation of plaque and improves blood circulation. So, it is a great heart tonic .

Coconut water Help in Flu and viral

benefits of drinking coconut water
Tender Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which help in flu or other viral infections
Under flu or viral infections, the body can lose a lot of fluid from vomiting and diarrhea. Drinking coconut water help in hydration and balance electrolytes. So it is better to drink coconut water than regular water after vomiting.

Best for stomach health

If you have upset stomach due to ulcers, indigestion or infections, it take some time to recover, Drinking tender coconut water nourish and help recovering your stomach.
Stomach linings get upset and inflammed due to indigestion, and it do not absorb sugar and water from the food properly which leads to loss of minerals ( magnesium, potassium and sodium). Coconut water provides a good amount of potassium, vitamins and minerals. Tender coconut water also reduces the inflammation of stomach.

Coconut Water best for Skin

De-hydration can lead to dry and flaky skin. Drinking coconut water hydrate the body and help in getting back radiant skin. Drinking coconut water regularly help keep your skin firm and youthful-looking.
You can also massage your skin with tender coconut water if you have acne, spots, wrinkles, stretch marks and eczema problems. Within 2-3 weeks it will clear the skin and give you youthful looking skin back.

Better than sugary beverages

If you want to drink something other than water, skip your choice for sugary juices and sodas and choose fresh coconut water. Unlike sugar sweetened beverages, coconut water has no added sugar, it is naturally sweetened. It is a great choice for diabetics or for the individuals who want to reduce their consumption of sugar.

Coconut Water help Weight Loss

coconut water for weight loss
Coconut water help in losing weight, if you feel hungry, drink coconut water instead of eating other high calories food. Coconut water is low in fat and it is full of required important nutrients, Vitamins and folates.
If you want to get slim waist, include coconut water in our daily diet as it has zero cholesterol.

Best Hangover drink

If you have too much alcohol, it will deplete the electrolytes and will keep the body dehydrate which result in next morning hangover leads to headache and vomiting. Drinking fresh coconut water help to replenish those depleted electrolytes and hydrate the body. You will feel out of hangover within minutes.

Coconut Water for pregnant women

Most of the women feel hurt burn, constipation and digestion problems during pregnancy. Coconut water has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, because of the lauric acid present which boost the body’s immune system and smooth the upset stomach.

Coconut water for kidney Stones

Coconut water help in dissolving kidney stones because it acts as a diuretic and increases the flow and production of urine.
It is very beneficial in kidney diseases due to its minerals, potassium and magnesium content.

Coconut Water help treats Headaches

Coconut water is a great home remedy to treat headaches caused by dehydration. It hydrates your body and replenishes the electrolytes. It also lower the migraine attacks because of its magnesium contents.

Coconut Water help lower blood pressure

Coconut water has potassium contents which help in lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension problems.

Anti-inflammatory drink

Drinking tender Cococonut water helps reduce inflammation internally. Apply it on sun burn or rashes to reduce skin inflammation.
Tender coconut water is a great beverage for our body. Replace it with the other sugary drinks for your good health. Packed coconut water may have added chemicals to increase its shelf life. Drink only fresh and natural coconut water from the green coconuts.
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