Health Benefits of Cumin
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Health Benefits Of Cumin (Jeera). Best for Skin, Hair and Weight Loss


Cumin is a culinary herb and widely used in the kitchen and for herbal medicines. A pungent, little sharp and slightly sweet flavored cumin seeds are loaded with beneficial nutrients. Mostly it is consumed after frying or roasting. It is also used in powder form.

Cumin seeds are a great source of iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin and also contains important minerals such as copper, zinc, and potassium. Cumin is a rich source of protein and dietary fiber, and also contain good amount of fats and fatty acids. 

Health Benefits of Cumin seeds (jeera)

1. It aides detoxification of the body and improve appetite as well as increases metabolism.

2. Cumin seeds help treating digestive problems. It gives great relief from gastric troubles. Remedy to relieve gastric problem Take a teaspoon of cumin seeds, roast it and make powder by grinding. Mix this powder in a glass of warm water. Drink slowly. It will give magical effect. You will feel the relief immediately. 

3. Cumin help relieve from stomachaches . Take half spoon of cumin seeds with hot water to get instant stomachache relief. 

4. Cumin seeds increases hemoglobin levels, as it is a rich source of iron. It improve blood flow in the body. 

5. Cumin help fight common cold and other respiratory disorders. It also help fight viral infections. 

Best for Skin Care

Cumin has disinfectant and antifungal properties which protect skin against fungal and microbial infections. Apply cumin powder paste on pimples, eczema and sagging skin for quick relief. Because of presence of Vitamin E, Cumin help reducing premature aging signs like wrinkles and age spots.

Cumin help Lowers Cholesterol

Cumin helps to control high levels of fats. Eat cumin seeds powder mixed with yogurt to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Cumin improve Bone Health

Presence of high amount of Calcium in cumin seeds increase the bone-density, and also help curing osteoporosis. Cumin has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which help in relieving inflammation and arthritis pain.

Cumin Prevents Cancer

Cumin help prevent Colon and Breast Cancer because of the presence of its antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and chemo-preventive properties. 

Cumin for Weight Loss

Cumin is very much helpful in reducing weight and belly fat. Eat half spoon of cumin seed with 1 spoon of honey, empty stomach in the morning. It give great result in reducing body weight. 

Helps sound Sleeping 

Cumin seeds also help people suffering with insomnia or reduced sleep. Because of its calming properties, it calm the nerves, thus help sound sleeping.


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