Home Remedies for Hangover

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Hangover ?? - 9 Natural Home Remedies to cure Hangover quickly


Hangover Treatment
Hangover is the unpleasant result of over consumption of alcohol. It usually do not effect the body more than 24 hrs, but most of the time, effects of hangover are disturbing and unbearable.
Hangover is usually experienced in the morning, when you wake up, after heavy or excessive drinking in the night.
Different people experience different types of bad effects of over drinking of alcohol. Common symptoms are headache, heaviness in the head, anxiety, body pain, dizziness, bad breath, nausea, vomiting, feeling irritate, stomach pain and pain around eyes area.
Drinking alcohol also causes dehydration, if consumed in excessive amount, its toxic effects harm your liver, digestion system, central nervous and sensory system.
There are few Home Remedies which can ease your hangover after effects and give instant relief.

Drink Water

Heavy consumption of alcohol results in dehydration, drinking plenty of water between the drinking of alcohol can stay you hydrate. Drinking water is the best way to ease hangover after effects. After the hangover, drinking water not only hydrate your body, it will also dilute the impurities present in the body because of over consumption of alcohol.
When you wake up in the morning, and feel hangover, drink 2 glasses of water immediately and aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water within 2-3 hrs, it will give you great relief from hangover.

Lemon Juice

Lemon not only detoxify, also break down alcohol in the body. Drinking lemon water after hangover will refresh and give relief to upset your stomach. When you wake up in the morning, and feel hangover, Take a glass of warm water, add two spoon of fresh lemon juice, add one spoon of honey in it. Drink slowly 2-3 times to get relief from hangover.

Tomato Juice

Another effective way to get relief and control hangover symptoms is, drinking fresh tomato juice. Tomato juice contains fructose that help your body quickly metabolize alcohol.
Drinking a glass of fresh tomato juice after wake up in the morning help overcome the after effects of alcohol consumption
Adding a spoon of lemon juice and a half spoon of honey in Tomato juice will help relief from hangover more quickly.

Eat Banana

Eating bananas give relief from the hangover. It is the Best Home Remedy for the after effects of over consumption of alcohol. Banana is loaded with potassium, when you drink excessively, a lot of potassium get drain from your body. To help get potassium back to your body, eat banana. Eating banana also calm the stomach and boost the energy levels in the body.
If you want to avoid hangover, eat few bananas before you hit the bar. Eating 2-3 bananas before 30 minutes of the drinking. You will feel more easy and fresh in the morning.

Black Tea

It is the another best home remedy to get relief from the hangover. Add few drops of honey and a spoon of lemon juice in it to increase its effect on hangover. Black tea help in removing alcoholic toxins from the body, which cause hangover.


Your digestion system get disturb badly after the hangover, Chewing 8-10 peppermint leaves will help relax your intestine. Peppermint leaves are the best way to get rid of hangover anxiety.


When you get hangover after heavy alcohol drinking, have a spoon of honey. Fructose present in the honey break down alcohol quickly and reduce it bad effects. Take a spoon of honey 3-4 times in a day.

Sports Drinks

Drink sports drinks to helps balance electrolytes and glucose level in the body. Drinking sports drinks will provide energy and ease the tired feeling in the person.
1. Different people feel different types of effects of alcohol in their body. Choosing your alcoholic drink carefully is the best way to avoid the hangover. Your body do not react to every drink in the same way. Sometimes, a certain drinking of alcohol do not give you hangover when you consume it excessively, while drinking a small quantity of other type of alcohol give you hangover.
2. Drinking empty stomach can also be a reason for hangover. So, avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Eat a moderate quantity of food before your alcoholic drink. Eating food before drinking also helps to slow down the absorption of alcohol in your body.
3. Taking some type of medication can also result in hangover. Do not drink alcohol excessively if you are on medication, as it can lead to liver damage when consumed with alcohol.
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