Best Home Remedies
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How to get relief from headache with acupressure

The Best Acupressure Points to Treat Headaches. It is very common to experience or feel headache. If you are very much prone to headaches, and fed-up of consuming headache/ pain relieving tablets and you are looking for natural or other ways to treat your headache, then acupressure (by using pressure points on hands or foot) is the best way to treat or get rid....

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How to get fair skin naturally with proven home remedies

If you have dark complexion, or dark spots on your skin, and you want to get fairer and glowing skin, there are few proven home remedies used from the years to get fairer and glowing skin. But remember, you can’t get fairness overnight, or in a day, you will have to try the remedies at least for a week to get the desired results. Everyone wants to get fair and glowing skin. By using readymade f....

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Gain Weight Fast. How to gain weight naturally. Best Home Remedies to gain weight

There are too many skinny/ underweight or lean people in this world who want to gain weight. If you are under weight, It raise your risk of infections, lead to osteoporosis and fractures and cause immune function problems. To gain weight fast, you need to create a calorie surplus (eat more calories than your body needs) Here are few home remedies to Gain weight fast that may add up t....

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How to Lose Belly Fat within days with proven Home Remedies

Having lots of fat near the abdominal area is a big reason of diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. Losing belly fat fast have great benefits for your health and you can live more happy life. If you can’t go to the gym or you have no time for work out or hard and time consuming exercises, there are few proven home remedies which help you getting lose weight and a flat belly within days....

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Top 14 Natural Home Remedies for Toothache relief

Clove Oil for Instant toothache relief. This is the proven and Best Home Remedy for toothache and other dental problems. Clove contain Eugenol, a mild anaesthetic chemical compound. Cloves oil help alleviate pain. Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties which help not only for toothache numbing, but also help treat all kinds of dental problems,....

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Hangover ?? - 9 Natural Home Remedies to cure Hangover quickly

Hangover is the unpleasant result of over consumption of alcohol. It usually do not effect the body more than 24 hrs, but most of the time, effects of hangover are disturbing and unbearable. Hangover is usually experienced in the morning, when you wake up, after heavy or excessive drinking in the night. Different people experience different types of bad effects of over drinking of alco....

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Best Home Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones

Having Kidney stones can be a painful health condition, especially when it struck between the tube which lead from kidney to bladder. It will remain painful and very much disturbing until it passes to the urine bladder. If it moves in the bladder area, it can be dissolved naturally by proven home remedies. 1. Take a glass full of soda water, Take a lemon and squeeze in it. Add a pinch of ....

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