Acupressure Points for Headache
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How to get relief from headache with acupressure

Headache Treatment
The Best Acupressure Points to Treat Headaches It is very common to experience or feel headache. If you are very much prone to headaches, and fed-up of consuming headache/ pain relieving tablets and you are looking for natural or other ways to treat your headache, then acupressure (by using pressure points on hands or foot) is the best way to treat or get rid of headaches instantly. 

There are many sensitive points on our hands/ feet or on other body parts, if we use pressure on them, it help in treating headaches. You need to apply deep pressure on the points with your finger tips or with the help of soft pointed objects like pencil. There may be more than one point on hands/ feet to relieve the headache. Apply deep pressure for 60-120 seconds on the point. If you do not get the relief on one point, try the same point on the other hand or opposite side of the body. You will definitely get instant relief

There are few points for headache relief which are listed below, pl. try one by one.

How to use pressure points to get instant headache relief:

Point 1:

A point which located on the web between our index finger and thumb, called union valley point.

Give deep pressure on this point by pinching this area with the thumb and index finger of the other hand for atleast 60 seconds. Apply pressure with the intervals of 10 seconds each. Repeat this process on the other side/ opposite hand. 

Point 2: 

A point placed between our both the eyebrows, where nose meet with the forehead, called third eye point.

Apply the firm pressure on this point with the index finger of the hand for at least 60 seconds. Leave for 10 seconds and apply the pressure again for 60 seconds. Firm pressure applied to this point will also relieve eyestrain.

Point 3: 

This is a magical point to relieve the headache instantly caused by gastric problem. 

This point is located below the pinky finger (smallest finger), at the side of the palm. Apply firm pressure on this point with help of the finger of other hand. Apply for 60 seconds. You will get instant relief from headache if it is caused by excessive gastric problems.



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