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Coronavirus Disease – Signs and Treatment

Coronavirus disease  also called (COVID-19)  is a respiratory illness that can transmit from person to person.
People  are at high risk of infection who are in close contacts of someone having infected by  COVID-19.
Common  Signs of Coronavirus Disease
It include respiratory symptoms
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath OR  breathing difficulties.
  • In severe cases, Coronavirus infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure OR  even death to people with weakened immune system.
  • Oldage people especially more than 60 yrs of age and people with serious medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes are at a higher risk of infection from Covid-19.
Treatment of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
As there is no particular or highly affected medicine for the treatment of COVID-19, Still it can be avoided or cured by improving your immune system along with using precaution methods as:
1. Avoid  people who are sick or infected with COVID-19.  Stay home if you are sick. Keep distance of at least one meter while talking to someone infected.
2. Cover your mouth with face mask OR  with a tissue.  Do not cough into your hands or nearby someone.
3. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going out, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
4. Use  hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if you are working out.. Don’t touch  your mouth, nose, or eyes without washing hands properly.
5. Use some home –remedies to improve your immune system, as it is the only way to get cure. Use Garlic, Ginger, Lemon juice, turmeric and coriander in your food. These foods will improve your immune system and you will be more able to fight COVID-19.
NOTE:        If symptoms feel worse than a common cold, contact your doctor immediately, as you could be infected with COVID-19.

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