Gain Weight Fast
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Gain Weight Fast. How to gain weight naturally. Best home remedies to gain weight


There are too many skinny/ underweight or lean people in this world who want to gain weight. If you are under weight, It raise your risk of infections, lead to osteoporosis and fractures and cause immune function problems. To gain weight fast, you need to create a calorie surplus (eat more calories than your body needs) Here are few home remedies to Gain weight fast that may add up to extra kgs on your body within a week, and make you look healthy.


Bananas give instant energy. It is full of calories, packed with high amount of carbohydrates and potassium. That's why bananas are instant energy boosters. Must eat bananas if you want to gain weight.
a) Eat two bananas in your breakfast and drink a glass of milk daily.
b) Prepare banana/Milk shake. Grind 2 bananas in a glass of milk. Add a teaspoon of sugar in it. Drink it 30 mins before breakfast.

Raisins for weight gain

Raisins are best for weight gain. It is another best source of energy, as raisins are loaded with fructose and glucose. Underweight people should eat raisins regularly.
a) Eat 10-15 raisins daily. You can also drink raisins milk.
b) To make raisins milk, soak 10-15 raisins overnight in a glass of water. In the morning, take out all the raisins from water and boil them in a glass of milk. Get it cool.
c) Drink the raisins milk empty stomach in the morning. Chew all the raisins well. This is the best way to get instant energy and gain weight.

Cow Milk ghee and Shakkar (Jaggery powder)

One of the easiest way to gain weight fast is to eat cow milk ghee and shakkar. a) Take 2 teaspoon of cow milk ghee (pure ghee) in a bowl. Add 3-4 teaspoons of Shakkar (jiggery powder) in it. Mix well.
b) Eat this mixture daily before 30 mins. of your lunch or dinner. Eat this regularly to see the visible weight gain.

Potatoes for weight gain

Eat potatoes in any form to gain weight. Potatoes are loaded with carbohydrates. People who eat potatoes chips and French fries gain weight fast. Regular consumption of potatoes in any form will definitely add extra kilos to your body.

Poultry/ Meat

If you are non-vegetarian, then must add poultry and red meat in your daily diet. This will help you gain weight fast more easily. Red meat is excellent source of cholesterol, protein and iron. Eating this is an effective way to gain weight fast. Red meat helps build muscles also. Eggs also contains good amount of fat, calories and protein, which are must to gain weight fast. Consume chicken and lean meat everyday in your lunch/ dinner to gain weight easily. 

Besides this there are few more things to do if you want to gain weight in few days. These are : 
1. Take a healthy nap of 45 mins to one hour post afternoon meal/ lunch. It play a crucial role for weight gain.
2. Do not drink water or any fluid before any meal. Drinking water before meal will fill your stomach and you will not be able to eat more. And it will make harder to get more calories as your body needed.
3. Do not skip a single meal. Eating 3 healthy meals daily to gain weight faster.
4. Avoid consuming processed foods.
5. Avoid/ limit your alcohol intake during the period you want to gain weight. 6. Keep yourself free of stress. Stress may cause severe weight loss.
If you are getting stressed for any reason, do meditation or yoga to get stress free. These are the few Best home remedies which helps you to gain weight fast.

Watch this video, it will help you more clearly :

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