Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

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Best Home Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones


Kidney Stones Treatment
Having Kidney stones can be a painful health condition, especially when it struck between the tube which lead from kidney to bladder. It will remain painful and very much disturbing until it passes to the urine bladder. If it moves in the bladder area, it can be dissolved naturally by proven home remedies.

1. Take a glass full of soda water, Take a lemon and squeeze in it. Add a pinch of salt in it. Drink this soda water after every 2-3 hr. Within 3-5 days it will dissolve the stone in small pieces.

2. Kulath dal OR Horse Gram has been used since years to dissolve Kidney stones. This is proven method to get rid of these painful stones.

How to prepare Kulath dal or Horse Gram at home:
a) Take a cup of Kulath dal, OR approximately 20-30 gms, wash properly.
b) Take 4 cups of water, Add a cup of kulath dal, boil it till water reduce to nearly one cup.
c) You can add salt according to your taste.
d) Filter it and drink hot every day 2 times morning and evening. It will dissolve the kidney stones.

3. Watermelon juice is a great way to flush out the kidneys and kidney stones. Drink regularly for 5-7 days.
4. Drink a lot of water. Dehydration can be a major reason for developing kidney stones. Add a fresh lime, everytime you drink water, until you flush out all the stones.
5. Pemogranate – Both the juice and seeds have properties that help in dissolving kidney stones.

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