Home Remedies for toothache relief

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Top 14 Natural Home Remedies for Toothache relief


Clove Oil for Instant toothache relief

This is the proven and Best Home Remedy for toothache and other dental problems. Clove contain Eugenol, a mild anaesthetic chemical compound. Cloves oil help alleviate pain.
Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties which help not only for toothache numbing, but also help treat all kinds of dental problems, including cavities, mouth ulcers, sore gums and all type of dental pains. That why it mostly used in dental products Place a cotton ball dipped in 2-3 clove oil drops. Apply directly on the affected tooth. OR Rub it directly on the paining tooth.
If you don’t have clove oil, you can use the whole clove also. Keep a clove in between the effected tooth, let it get moisten, then bite it. Then keep it on the affected tooth for about 30 minutes.

Pepper and Salt Paste

Both salt and pepper have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help relieve toothache. Make a paste of salt and pepper with water. Use salt and pepper in equal amount. Apply the salt-pepper paste on the paining tooth. Keep this paste on the tooth for few minutes. It will numb the pain.

Ice Cubes for Toothache

Take a ice cube and wrap it in a piece of cloth. Press it on the cheek where paining tooth is placed. Ice will numb the nerve in the paining tooth. Ice is more beneficial when pain is with swelling. Cooling of the ice will bring down the swelling and also relieve the pain.

Salt Water gargle

Take a half glass of warm water. Add a half spoon of salt in it. Mix it properly. Gargle with this water. It will give the relief from toothache. This is the most popular remedy for toothache.

Ginger and Pepper paste

Powdered ginger and red pepper paste can alleviate the pain. Make the paste by adding few drops of water. Cover a small ball of cotton with this paste and place it on the paining tooth. It will relieve the pain.


Alcohol can numb the pain immediately. Soak a cotton ball with alcohol and place it directly on the affected tooth. You can use any type of whisky or vodka. This is best for mild tooth infections.

Peppermint tea for toothache

Peppermint tea is helpful in numbing of toothache. Prepare a tea by using 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup boiling water and let it boil for 15 minutes. Cool the tea, drink it. Keep it in mouth for few seconds before swallow. Drink for 2-3 times in a day or as needed.

Onions juice relieve toothache

Onions kills harmful germs and bacteria in the mouth responsible for tooth pains because of its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Take a fresh slice of onion and place it on the effected tooth. Press it between the teeth, so that it release the juice. Keep it there for 5-10 minutes. It will definitely give the relief from pain.

Guava leaves for toothache

Guava leaves have flavonoids as well as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties which help relieve toothache and also helpful for mouth ulcers. Make a paste of 4-5 guava leaves, cover the paining tooth with this paste. It will relieve pain. Guava leave paste is also helpful to reduce gum inflammation.
OR Chew 2-3 guava leaves for few minutes. Chew so well that it start leaving juice on the paining tooth. Keep in mouth for few minutes, then spit out. Chew the leaves for 4-5 times in a day to get its best result.

Garlic for toothache

Garlic is best to provide relief from worst of toothache because of its antibiotic properties. Make a paste of garlic powder, mix it with salt or black pepper. Add few drops of water. Apply this paste directly to the paining tooth. OR chew a bulb of garlic with the effected tooth. It will alleviate the pain.

Cucumber help relieve pain

Cucumber give smoothing effects when used to relieve toothache. Take a slice of a fresh cucumber and hold it between the teeth of the affected area. Keep it there for few minutes. It will lessen the pain.


Turmeric is also helpful in alleviating toothache because of its anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. Make a paste of half teaspoon of turmeric and little water. Make thick paste. Cover the paining tooth with cotton ball.


Lemons are full of citric acid and vitamin C. It reduce inflammation and also kill bacteria responsible for toothache. Vitamin C help fight tooth infections. Cut a slice of fresh lemon and place on the paining tooth. Press between the teeth or bite, so that it release the juice on the affected tooth.


Because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Potato help reduce swelling and pain in the tooth. Take a fresh slice of potato and hold inside your cheek against the paining tooth. Keep there for few minutes.
You can also use the potato paste by mashing the potato with salt. Cover the affected tooth with cotton ball.

NOTE: The Home Remedies for Toothache mentioned above are for timely relief. Must consult your dentist, if toothache stays for long or unable to get permanent relief.
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