Health Benefits of Meditation
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Amazing health benefits of Meditation


Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as it reduces stress, calms mind, and increases inner peace. It is usually recognized as a spiritual practice but it also has many health benefits.

Health benefits of Meditation
1. Meditation lower the chance of stroke among the heart patients and also reduces the risk of heart diseases by half.
2. Meditation give overall relaxation and it is capable of lowering blood glucose level.

3. Immune system gets strong as meditation help in producing higher levels of antibodies.
4. Meditation help to get rid of depression.
5. Meditation is very effective and successful to minimize the asthma attacks.
6. Meditation improve our creative thinking, inner energy and stress levels.
7. Regular meditation slow ageing process.
8. Regular meditation treat drugs - addiction.
9. Studies shown that meditation improves intellectual abilities.
10. Meditation is a natural home remedy for chronic isomenia / sleeplessness patients.
11. Regular meditation Builds self-confidence.
12. Meditation certainly is the way to cure unhealthy emotional states. People with emotion im-balance must practice meditation for 15-20 mins regularly.

Tips to Practice Meditation:
1. Choose a time when you are totally free and you are not likely to be disturbed by anybody. Peaceful environment help in meditation.
2. Make sure you are relaxed and your sitting posture is quite comfortable. Keep your entire body relaxed and your eyes closed.
3. Deep breathing in and out is always good for meditation.
4. Keep your heart and brain calm during meditation. Your brain should not be busy in thinking or planning anything. If your brain and heart is busy, you can’t concentrate during meditation.
5. Meditate for 15-20 mins daily to get its best results and health benefits.

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