Health Benefits of Cloves
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Health Benefits of Cloves. A natural remedy for Tooth Pain


Health benefits of Cloves
Clove is a popular herb. Its  oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems are used in medicine.
Clove is a spice widely used in food is loaded with nutrition and healing capabilities with amazing health benefits.
These strong taste buds are known for their anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties that help body fight many diseases.
Clove has been used as spice to flavor hot beverages like tea and in different cookings.
Cloves have great medicinal properties that aid in good liver health and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Cloves are loaded with powerful antioxidants that help fight free radical damage and boost the immunity system.
Cloves contain anti-mutagenic and anti-microbial properties, It fight against oral diseases and headaches.
Cloves are very good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids.
Cloves have lots of – iron, calcium and magnesium .

Health Benefits of Cloves

Even a single bud of clove is Packed with nutrients and bioactive compounds, and have great health benefits. A few of the health benefits of cloves are listed here:

Boost stomach health

Cloves are used as a medicine in stomach issues. As cloves boost digestion and control gastrointestinal irritation. Because of anesthetic properties of cloves, fried cloves also be used to stop vomiting. Clove are very much effective in stomach ulcers.

Helps in dental health

Eugenol present in clove oil has anesthetic and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties which provides great relief for your dental health. This substance has antibacterial properties that help treat pain and dental infections.
Clove is the best home remedy for toothache and gum diseases.
Place a bud of clove on the paining tooth, moist it with your sliva and start chewing. Clove will release the oil which help fight the pain. Or apply a drop of clove oil on the affected tooth and massage.
If you are feeling severe pain in the tooth, then crush 2-3 cloves and rub this powder on the paining tooth. You can also use clove oil for dental infections.

Liver protection

Cloves protect the liver from the effects of free radicals because of its high amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants also aid in inflammation.

Cloves fights Cancer

Cloves prevent from cancer tumors formation and kills cancerous cells. Eugenol present in the clove helps prevent from various types of cancer.

Cloves help prevents Diabetes

Nigericin found in cloves help prevent diabetes. Cloves helps in producing more insulin. Consume clove as a part of your daily diet to stabalise blood sugar levels. Cloves also have good amounts of eugenol, which help the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Cloves aids in good Digestion

Cloves are known to handle indigestion, nausea and bloating effectively. Cloves extract can protect against stomach ulcers. Just add 2-3 cloves to your daily food and you can get its benefits.

Helps in good respiratory health

Clove helps in treating cold , cough and asthma. Clove consists of oil that has inflammatory effects on the body which prevent the body from a number of diseases related to flu.
If you are suffering from a sore throat, chew a small piece of clove and you will feel better in no time.

Maintains good oral health

Cloves act as natural anti-septic and analgesic. It is the best home remedy to deal with toothache, tooth decay and mouth odour. It also help prevent gum diseases.

Clove Oil for headache

Clove are wonderful for headache because of its cooling and relieving properties. Massage your head with clove oil to get some instant relief.

Cloves helps in treating acne

If you are suffering from acne, clove oil is the best home remedy for acne. Clove have antifungal and antibacterial properties that aid in treating this skin problem.
Clove oil improve skin health by killing bad bacteria and fight inflammation of skin conditions.

Cloves fights Inflammation

Eugenol founds in cloves is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Clove fight inflammation in your mouth and throat. The powerful anti-oxidants in the clove lessens the effects of inflammation.
Clove also help ease the inflammations and swelling of arthritis. Massage with clove oil on the effected area, it will definitely help treat inflammation.

Note: Please do not eat clove buds in large quantity, it may harm. Add 2-3 clove buds in your daily cooking to get its health benefits. Chew 1-2 buds twice a day to keep your teeth free from infections. Add 2-3 crushed clove in your tea to get amazing flavor.

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